Bruce Sterling

Network Society in the Twenty Teens

Bruce Sterling is an American science fiction author and pioneer of the cyberpunk genre. His Mirrorshades anthology, published in 1986, helped define the genre.

Sterling founded the Viridian Design Movement, an aesthetic movement based on the belief that the convergence of technological change and social innovation provides the most successful path to sustainable development. The movement was about innovative design and technology, as opposed to traditional environmentalism.

Bruce Sterling teaches Internet studies and science fiction at the European Graduate shchool in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. He collaborates with Wired magazine, has a column in XL magazine and writes for the La Stampa newspaper from Turin in which he curates, together with Jasmina Tešanović, the column “Globalisti a Torino” (“Globalists in Turin”). Moreover, they worked on the REFF RomaEuropa FakeFactory project, exploring the themes of critical, active and creative innovation in the areas of cultural and technological policies.

He won Hugo Awards for his novelettes Bicycle Repairman and Taklamakan. He also won Clarke and Campell Awards.

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Bruce Sterling, Dom Omladine, Beograd

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